Under the direction of owner/architect David Goff, Floor Plans First measures and draws floor plans of your property for marketing purposes. Service and experience are the only things that really matter in any service business. Get a floor plan of your listing with the experience of a licensed architect and superior service of the Floor Plans First! team.
The Floor Plans First story:

As a practicing architect in the 1980s, realtor friends would ask David Goff to draw floor plans of their listings. Back then, there were no lasers, computers, or internet. We measured by hand and made the pencil drawings by hand on a drawing board. We then reduced the floor plans on a Xerox machine and rolled them into a typewriter to add labels and titles.
This process produced surprisingly good 8 ½x11 floor plans, but the labor intensive process was not cost effective. Fast forward 15 years to 1999, with the advent of useful computers, email, lasers, and the internet, the concept of floor plans for marketing purposes became viable. David started the company August 25, 1999 and has worked full time since producing floor plans for marketing residential and commercial real estate.
Today, after producing thousands of accurate floor plans over the more than 20 years, Floor Plans First has the experience to provide the service you and your clients deserve!