Floor Plan Symbols
Have you ever wondered what all the symbols on a floor plan mean? Here's a visual floor plan legend to help you out!

Scale - Shows size of floor plan in relation to feet.
North Arrow - Indicates which side of the floor plan is north.
Wall - This is the symbol for a solid wall. The symbol portrays the wall's relative thickness.
Partial Height Wall - Symbol for low wall that doesn't go all the way to the ceiling.
Door Swing - Indicates direction the door opens, and location of door knob.
Window - Symbol for glass window in a solid wall.
Sliding Glass Door - Symbol for sliding glass door in a solid wall indicating which panel slides.
Toilet - Symbol for toilet.
Bathtub - Symbol for bathtub showing location of faucet and drain.
Shower - Symbol for shower without tub.
Bathroom Sink - Symbol for bathroom sink.

Kitchen Sink - Symbol for two-compartment kitchen sink.
Range - Symbol for kitchen range.
Refrigerator - Symbol for kitchen refrigerator.
Washer/Dryer - Symbol for washer and dryer.
Bifold Doors - Indicates bifold doors and direction of operation.
Tree - Symbol representing various exterior trees.
Shrub - Symbol representing various exterior shrubs.